"Are entrepreneurs made or are they born? I think that we all have that, as an entrepreneur, a very overused work these days, everyone kind of wants the title. I think very few truly understand just...
WRDSMTH aspires to inspire others on a daily basis with colorful and well-chosen words crafted into indelible thoughts that are temporarily tattooed onto walls around the world.
Creator Profile:
Creator: WRDSMTH (@wrdsmth)
Company: WRDSMTH
Location: Los Angeles, California
Website: WRDSMTHinLA.tumblr.com (Website TBD)
Words of Wisdom – Truth told, the odds are...
“I love building from the ground up. Every little detail that goes into something, while creating the feeling and culture around it.”
Creator Profile:
Chris Cota + SKINGRAFT
Creator: Chris Cota
Company: SkinGraft Designs (@skingraft #skingraft)
Location: 758 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90014