"I think when people aren't listening or following the signs, or listening to their intuition, at some point you become either miserable to yourself or to others and then the signs that are signs end up...
"When you motivate yourself with big expectations, you end up achieving much more than if you don't. It's how you react to missed expectations that determines your happiness."
"To break through and get into that really, force myself into that uncomfortable situation, forced the most growth in my life by far. Now, I feed off of that. I feed off of uncomfortable positions because...
"I think there's always that struggle when you start a brand to feel like you want to have your hand in every single piece of the puzzle, but at some point, you have to, like you said, trust in the...
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi - Founder of the Fit Father Project; Realities of Building a Brand Online; Teaching People Better Health Habits; Understanding Diet; Managing Stress; Being More Present.
Segment 1: (Length :04:00) - General Updates; Introduction to...