Today’s Outline of the Podcast
Journey as an Author to Get Published; What She Learned Along the Way With Some of her Biggest Mistakes; Rises & Falls During the Process; Taking Complimentary Jobs to Learn Skillsets.
Segment 1: (Length :03:00) – General Updates; Introduction to Jessica Tom; Intro her; Journey as an author thus far; Her book, Food Whore: A Novel of Dining & Deceit (HarperCollins)
Segment 2: (Length :04:00) – Talking with Jessica about what she learned from some of her biggest mistakes along the way; making pivots to her own publishing process
Segment 3: (Length :04:00) – Taking jobs that are complimentary to your journey; Obtaining skill sets that are applicable to your future dreams, visions and goals.
Segment 4: (Length :03:00) – From being rejected to self-publishing to HarperCollins.
Segment 5: (Length :03:00) – Hustler Thought of the Day:
Here’s the thing. You can like something, spend time and money on it, Instagram about it, name your dog after it. But if you love something, ask yourself, so what? Great love creates a dent in the universe. Is your passion passive, piddling away on something unremarkable? Pinpoint the fear and inertia that’s holding you back — and then break through it. Again and again . . . and again. – Jessica Tom
Jessica Tom is a writer and food blogger living in Brooklyn. She has worked on initiatives with restaurants, hospitality startups, food trucks, and citywide culinary programs.
Jessica attended Yale University and graduated with a concentration in fiction writing, studying three years under Amy Bloom. She brings a wide variety of food experience to her writing. You can connect with her at and @jessica_tom on Instagram & @jessica_tom on Twitter.
At 31 years old, Jessica would have never thought she’d be publishing her first book. But she’s worn many different hats throughout her career from Community Director to HowAboutWe to creating Lei Lei Dolls sold exclusively at FAO Schwarz, and more.
Read her PopSugar Essay: How My 3 Biggest Professional Fails Led to My 1 Biggest Win in which Jessica speaks to her convo with Emeril Lagasse; almost merchandising a plant from Madagascar, instead prototyping matchboo.